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Programs and Workshops

Build your skills or get inspired!   Programs and webinars are offered throughout the year.  
Schedule a speaking engagement on a topic of interest or work with Odyssey Coaching to develop a
bespoke webinar or program to educate, inspire and motivate your employees.


In this series, you will:

Discover Your Power: Identify the unique strengths, skills & talents you can lean on to move yourself forward.

Unleash Your Potential: Uncover limiting beliefs and habits that hold you back.

Build your Confidence: Master tools to boost your confidence and silence self-doubt.

Embrace Your Voice: Learn how your work environment and gender can impact confidence, and develop strategies to overcome them.

Project Your Presence: Learn body language and communication techniques that exude confidence.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself!

New Program Coming Soon:
Re-Design Your Career

Are you in a role or career that doesn't fulfill you? In this program you will:

  • Move yourself into an appropriate mindset for change.

  • Uncover limiting beliefs or blockers that get in your way.

  • Define what a "successful" life and career look like to you.

  • Identify your strength, values & skills.

  • Develop stronger interview skills.

  • Create a career change strategy & begin executing it.

May 21,  June 11, July 9     
12-12:45 pm EST

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